Ultimate Bundle 1 Month


FEM and SGM DIGI Advance Academy, WS Growth Academies ✓ 5 premium courses ✓ 150+ complimentary ✓ 7 different topics ✓ English audio  ✓ Subtitles: Spanish, French, Slovak, and Italian ✓ New classes added every month ✓ Certificate of completion  ✓ Instructor-led training, available for several courses (Live Calls with authors and instructors, Monday – […]



FEM and SGM DIGI Advance Academy, WS Growth Academies

5 premium courses

150+ complimentary

7 different topics

English audio

  Subtitles: Spanish, French, Slovak, and Italian

New classes added every month

Certificate of completion

  Instructor-led training, available for several courses (Live Calls with authors and instructors, Monday – Friday via video conference)

Social app to communicate with instructors and other learners



This product also comes with:

Resources (Each course may include applications, tools, workbooks, ready-to-go questionnaires, PDFs, assessments, and assignments to accelerate your learning based on the courses you enroll in.)


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